Qcknd Tattoo Tag

Monday, June 05, 2017
Want to know more about my tattoo collection? This ones for you!

Wanna see ALL my tattoos? Click right here👉🏼 https://youtu.be/LuccBNvele8

My tattoo q&a is here👉🏼 https://youtu.be/IoOopSBZMf4 

QCKND’s Video: https://youtu.be/cq40gFIRLag  

1. Do you consider yourself a tattoo Collector?
2. Do you have a specific tattoo that turned you into a tattoo collector?
(That's when you knew you were a collector)
3. What tattoo did you have to travel the furthest for? Where did you go?
4. Where was the closest tattoo you traveled to?
5. What Tattoo artists has tattooed you the most?
6. Any Tattoo artist you follow that you dream of getting tattooed by?
7. Name two tattoos that took the most sessions to complete.
8. A tattoo that took the longest to heal/Complete
9. Do you have any tattoo artist that has become your friend through tattooing?
10. Do you post pictures of your tattoos or naw?
11. How do you react when someone asks to see your tattoo?
12. When will you collection be finished?
13. Who do you tag?!

Matt Kolling @ Uptown Tattoo: www.facebook.com/uptowntattoomn/ 

KVD Concealer: http://bit.ly/2pRhe4q 
PUR Powder: http://bit.ly/2qNS47o 
C.Tilb Brow Pencil in Grace K: http://bit.ly/2qO3jMN 
Melt Eyeshadows: http://bit.ly/2bjUntD 
KVD Lip Liner in Bow & Arrow: http://bit.ly/2qI1scI 
Jouer Gloss in Skinny Dip: http://bit.ly/2qNScUq 
SIGN UP FOR EBATES & GET CASHBACK: http://www.ebates.com/r/RHIANX  

note: affiliate links are used, this helps support my blog and channel but you're under no obligation to use them


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