The Double Cleanse

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

It struck me recently that some people don't double cleanse, i've been doing it for years and really think its the most effective way to remove your makeup and cleanse deep down in your pores.

There are many articles online about why its an awesome method but essentially the first step removes/ emulsifies makeup and the second step cleanses the actual skin and pores.

Here are a couple of my favorite combos.

For "every day"- 

This is brilliant at removing all traces of makeup including waterproof eye makeup and even eyelash glue. Rub over your entire face or use on a cotton pad for precise eye makeup removal.


For part 2 of cleansing i love this cleanser because its effective but really gentle, this works really well with a clarisonic or pore scrub pad too. If i feel like i need a little extra exfoliating, lately i've been adding in a tiny bit of their Brand New Day Scrub to the mix for gentle exfoliation.

For travel- 

This one is just in a bit more of a travel friendly bottle (not glass and has a lid) so i prefer bringing this one traveling with me. It works the same as the OLO cleansing oil!


I've had a couple of samples of this in my travel bag and love the gentle exfoliation it gives. Great in combination with the nude cleansing oil!

For sheer laziness- 

These are intended for eyes, yes, but they work amazingly at removing all makeup! Its like an oil cleanser in wipe form. These stay in my bedside drawer for nights when i am definitely not capable of getting back up to go to the sink and do a proper job. They're also great for travel.
(30% off Tarte until 8/4 with code FANDF)
(also, read my thoughts on Tarte's sale to Kose here and find a great alternative here)


These are awesome for removing any oily residue from the Tarte wipes and giving you a final deep clean. Great for a gentle exfoliation on the go and a kick of vitamin C really brightens and evens out your skin tone. 

For extreme makeup removal-

Similar to the ever popular Eve Lom Cleansing Balm, this balm is amazing for heavy makeup removal but is cheaper and, i think, a little more gentle around the eyes.


This is an awesome, effective bubbly cleanser that doesn't dry out skin and leaves it feeling THE CLEANEST when you really need some facial help. I've found on their website they say they are cruelty free but as they're Korean i'm guessing they sell in China and abide by their testing rules- if anyone has any info on this or knows of a good foaming cleanser thats cruelty free and vegan, please let me know!


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